Spring allergy tips from webMD include:
- Try to stay indoors whenever the pollen count is very high (pollen counts usually peak in the mornings)
- Keep your doors and windows closed whenever possible
- Clean the air filters in your home often. Also, clean bookshelves, vents, and other places where pollen can collect
- Wash your hair/head after going outside, because pollen can collect there
- Vacuum twice a week. Wear a mask, because vacuuming can kick up pollen, mold, and dust that were trapped in your carpet
Ragweed tips from webMD include:
- stay indoors as much as possible in the 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. time period
- track the pollen count in your area
- At home and in the car, keep the windows closed and the air conditioner on.
- Change your clothes after spending time outdoors.
- Shower before bed to remove pollen, especially from your face and hair.
- Try nasal irrigation 1-2 times a day.
- Equip your bedroom (and other rooms?) with a HEPA air filter.