Planning Team Doc – ATSC efforts

Memory Cafe Activity Ideas

  • Have name tags when people arrive – first name only in LARGE LETTERS!  [DICK & JANE are our name tag ambassadors!]
  • At name tag table, have a placard that shares the Question of the Day
    • some great discussion-starters @ (Ask a Beautiful Question)
    • have the question written on a sheet of paper at the name tag station and pass the paper around the table as people answer so they can refer to the way it’s worded
    • July (   Aug (best trip?); Sept (What is a Treasured Item in Your Home?); Oct (favorite meal of the day?);
  • Stretch the Body – some examples include:
  • MAJOR ACTIVITY – see below for some ideas
  • Closing Song(s) including suggested motions by participants
    • If You’re Happy and You Know It
    • You Are My Sunshine
    • The More We Get Together
    • Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
    • BINGO
    • This Old Man


    • Stamping
    • Painting a wooden item (like a picture frame)
    • Color a coloring book picture you can then discuss with the group
    • Color by number
    • Painting Leaves (Deb/Toni – September)
    • Watercolors (Toni – October)
    • Collage
      • introducing them to the group
      • feelings
      • emotions from a song
  • Bring in a service dog and talk to the group? (Large group)
    • Steph, once she and Phoenix have completed the training
  • Sing-along
  • Strength & Balance with George
  • Playing a game(s) – key factor is the ease with which the care partner can jump in and help out!
    • Left, Center, Right – set a timer for 20 minutes? (August ’21)
    • Simple Dominoes
    • BINGO – no money involved here… 🙂
    • UNO
    • “Go Fish” card game
    • other possible games HERE