Photo Diary

Hmmmm… How to keep pictures in a good place as a reminder for oneself and to share experiences with others?

  • Listed below is a starter attempt of a photo diary [viewers can see larger images by double clicking on a particular shot.]
  • Trying to decide on 100 or so of my favorite pictures ever taken is a fun project.  A starter effort is on THIS WEBPAGE (with a little explanation in some cases)

Some photo diary shots from 2023 are here:

Some photo diary shots from 2022 are here:

2021-10-31 A spooky Halloween with the neighbors handing out candy and enjoying social time

2021-10-30 These pictures are reminders of the MWPC Men’s Retreat – 12th one, starting in 2009, and most of them at the Jesuit Spiritual Center!

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2021-10-24 Laura, Mom (Marilyn) and Sheri have been Zoom worship friends during the worst of Covid when we couldn’t meet in-person with our NEC friends. Today we met in-person on a Sunday @ 4, the first time my mom had met Sheri in-person! We stayed Covid-safe outside and the storms cooperated so we didn’t need to use the garage!  [Wonderful to have our mom in the region for the first time in 3 years. The day before (unpictured) at Andy & Anna’s place with friends and today we did the “mom relay” so she can be with us for some enjoyable times.]

2021-10-18 Time spent with a good friend engineering a way to get two kayaks into the mighty Sienna and then kayaking the Little Miami. Doesn’t get much better than this…unless it also involves his birthday and a little 50 West food and libations as we readied for the biking portion of the trip!

2021-10-14 Completed a wonderful trip to NE Ohio, Presque Isle and Fingerlakes NY with Kim and sister Deb

Natural and man-made beauty was evident throughout the trip…

2021-10-06 Locust Corner Park – some nice trails through the woods and also on sidewalks. Plus a good location for future monarchs and concerts…

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2021-09-24 Roaming Ft. Thomas, KY – Landmark Tree Trail plus the Fort grounds with Kim, Deb and Georgie, our faithful four-legged family member

2021-09-18 Shots of front yard with tree gone; Mitch’s Mobile Trips participants;

2021-09-12 Tim Tegge in concert: he dares us to attempt whistling an ANGRY tune! Plus, the two Maumee River kayabiking participants, still smiling a day after the experience! 🙂

2021-09-10 BG visit with Mom – WCCoA, Black Swamp dinner, flowers, chrysalis

2021-09-07 Walk at Clermont County’s Veteran’s Park – fungus among us! Sunset beauty the evening before on our neighborhood walk…

2021-09-05  A little rain makes the leaves shine, the okra flowers thrive and the bunnies happy with fresh greenery to eat (though stay away from the good, human-loved vegetables!)

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2021-09-04 Our weekly walk with Georgie was to Sycamore Park in Batavia – really nice facilities and a recently stoned path (a little hard on little paws?) Some natural beauty and good exercise, including the view we usually have of Georgie once he knows we’re headed back towards home

2021-09-03 After a fantastic visit with coffee friends Joan S. and Sandy J-C, it was time for a walk around Beech Acres Park (somewhat prompted by a Task response in Chapter 2 of Walking in This World by Julia Cameron.) The Fireman’s Memorial, Purple & Bloom with butterflies & bees (zoom in center for butterfly and upper left for a flying bee), “glowing tree” plus the lamp & clouds (with “vanilla filter” in editing) caught my attention in particular…

While picking up Andy & Anna’s mail on August 31st, these flowers and especially the spider and intricate web (in the left picture – click on picture to enlarge) caught my attention 

NOTE: in most cases viewers can see larger images by double clicking on a particular shot